Saturday, February 13, 2021


I am no pal of any sort of Ethnic Nationalism of any color. That way always leads to death,...but I like flags. ..."Vexillology" it's called. Just liking flags is different...a bit. From going to Bund rallies.
There are seven US states that are completely at the same latitude of Africa - South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, and Texas.
These the states of the Deep South. Above is the Geo-centric African American flag.

Not by Coincidence
does the Geo-Black flag resemble the just above first flag of the Confederacy.
Peoples, and cultures are complicated.
I'm African Asian Scots Irish American. However in this country
you're what the last cop that saw you thinks you are.

My Chinese ancestors were teachers merchants.
My freedman ancestors owned, and ran a dairy in Mississippi.
My Scots Irish ancestor was an officer in the Confederate Calvary.

In this country if you have, but one drop of African blood.
You are Black, and once could be sold. Such was literally so.
Now it is culturally so. Once condemned to chains, now condemned
to the very bottom of my own country.

Yet if just one of the above family lines did not exist.
I would not exist.
Recognized or not we are Americans.

The two above flags however politically incorrect are true to my roots.
My love of the poetry of Black America, Celtic lore, and my love for the written word.
These all these come from whom I come from.

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