Sunday, November 29, 2020



I don't talk of race. No point. However I will say this.

I’m reading fitful articles by liberals as to why 70,000,000 people voted for the likes of Trump. The great white hope. These were almost to a person 70 million white people. …or those identifying as such or allied to them. This tell you anything?
There’s no need to parley with them. No need certainly to understand them. This since we already know them intimately. We had to. This to survive in this country. We’ve been in a race war with them since 1619. Strictly speaking since the late 1400’s when the Spanish first kidnapped Africans, and brought them to the hemisphere.
So this is a very old war that has just changed. It’s finally turned,…for us. In 2008 more technicolor babies were born here than pink ones. They’ve been getting born by the metric ton every hour since. Kids grow in a flash. These the first are in middle school soon high school then university or the service then work families voting.
I think those 70 millions have an intuitive knowing of this. Their frantic fearful behaviors these last years is an enraged rear guard action. This in the long war they now know they will lose. Hence the talk of white homelands, and defensive genocides against us. They from the start refused to share this country with dark skinned peoples. Fellow citizens. They've put up every defense to stop us.
Now they face biology.
Like the pandemic they think is a hoax it will overtake them. Nature is quiet slow, and certain. So their grandchildren certainly great grandchildren some of them are going to be brown,…guaranteed. Peace at last.

1 comment:

  1. It rather sounds as though you're saying "until there are no white people, there can be no peace." I don't think that kind of goal can be achieved by miscegenation alone, fun as that may be. I think it requires massive genocidal violence.

    When they say on TV or in the press that all Trump supporters are racist, I don't believe them. No doubt some are; but I bet lots of the people who voted for Trump in 2016 voted for Obama in '08. How do we know what their concerns are? How many of them have you talked to yourself? Same here.



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