Friday, October 30, 2020

"...Online News"

Just a note. I will keep posting here at Blogsplot. Till they're sold or broke up. This though my readership is low double digits. Gone are the daze when my pages here would get a quarter million unique hits. Btw that's 1930's pocket change by todays standards for a page. 

There are just so many other options platforms now. This place is akin to Myspace or a telegraph office. I just checked...amazingly both of these institutions still exist.

Geez even my Tumblr mirror site gets hundreds a day. My FB page gets sometimes 20 to 60 comments per post. Even this is vastly tiny to what near everyone gets on twitter. Hint the entire population of the Earth is on Twitter...and I hate Twitter.

When I say mirror. I post most not all of what I post here. My other three pages have roughly 60% unique material, but in the same grumpy style. However this one is the only one I do Queer things on. I learned by experience there's no point elsewhere. It just gets coldly ignored or the other extreme death threats. 'And no that's not always policed by the platforms. ...Swell. 

Anyway I'm staying here, and the other few sites still I have on Smogsplot. ...see links on upper right. 'Sides my best pals are here. Okay yeah I ain't been to most of them other Plopspot pages since the Pandemic...mostly. 'But I do put something up once in a while. Hey gimme a break I'm old now. 

So Happy Halloween eat do drugs, and drink heavily. As this is the start of the 2020 End Times Holidaze. I wish I could do speed balls till the election is over. 

However I'll have to settle for sugarless Apple pie graced with equally sugarless Cool Whip,...thanks Sharon. Loves ya!

So as Holden Caufield said as he climbed out that window, and escaped from school, "...Sleep tight ya Meatheads!"

Here below is a piece on 'Zines.

This is how all this started for me . I first writing drawing, and printing. "Micro Press" items in the early 1970's. Mimeo woodcuts Xerox then offset. 

The term 'Zine hadn't be coined yet. 

I did 'Zines was then on the air for decades later online then pods then back online. The whole arc only took 48 years. So easy even a stoned Queer Anarchist could do it.

See video below...This is how kids do it today.

In my day the early 70's there were riots a major war still going on. National Guard tanks in the streets. Queers starting to kick ass. We were all just Queers among Queers. 

Fags, and Dykes hadn't segregated yet. Trannies leather folks BL's were just part of the crew. No onw gave them shit for being alive yet. 

Marriage was seen as men owning women, and we wanted to abolish the whole male war slavery nightmare. Our Micro press 'Zine stuff gleefully chronicled all that happy noise.

Today we've joined the slave market with big happy smiles on our faces while doing so. Amazing what only 50 years can do.

Stay tuned.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...