Tuesday, August 25, 2020

We just broke 180,000 in COVID perished. Amazing what just a few weeks can do these days. As predicted it's going faster as Fall comes. Half a Million for sure by the Holidays at this rate. I write this, and still can't believe it happened, and continues to happen.

With no rational preparations for the Second Wave. Near or at a Million by February, and March. That, and it will keep going. 

If #45 gets back in, and he could,...the polls are shit. Expect 3,000,000 by summer 2021,...despite the vaccine. ...if any.

Numbers tend not to lie especially if there are honest brokers out there,...and there still are a few. I wish this was just more of my end times crap. The Awful Arithmetic sez otherwise.

'get this,...

I wrote my Will a few weeks back. Not that I have anything to pass on other than my good intentions. It's basically a love letter to my remaining family, and friends. For some it might be getting on time to consider such a document.

This is not the 21st century I was banking on.

George Jetson was full of shit.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading that the real numbers when all related cases are counted is just over 200,000.

    I would be included in that having what they gleefully call, Co-Morbidities. ...swell.

    What the fuck are we supposed to do with this.
    How could this happen.
    What the fuck are we going to do...what can we do?


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