Thursday, August 27, 2020

I wrote this while the Better Angels of my nature were running things. Today not so much. Moral exhaustion rage sadness are in charge just now. However the Angels ought to be back. I mean they just went down the block to knock back a few rum, and cokes. Who can blame them these days. 

It's in two parts. One I posted on my FB page the other only here.

In recent days there's been another shooting of a Black man by police. Shot in the back several times in front of his family,...the usual. This followed by chaos violence, and two murders by a white militia kid,...just 17.

I refuse to call anyone an enemy.

We all of us are human we all of us have souls we all want the same things. Love family friends, and a purpose. We put the barriers between us up. We can take them down. What else can one say? What else can one do?

Later as more information came. 

An image of the militia kid becomes apparent. A 17 year old boy motivated by conspiracy gun culture decided to be a patriot. Though untrained he took his semi-automatic rifle to the scene of the protests. He joined with other militia, and the events of that tragic night unfolded.

From the many videos these persons were in good standing with the police who openly thanked them gave the water, and encouragement. These "militia" were clearly young men, and kids playing at war. They were more akin to Cosplayers with live ammo.

Of course the inevitable happened.

It was dark chaotic loud confusing, and he with no police or military training fired shots. Two dead several wounded. This by a kid who from his social media wanted to be a cop, and patriot. 

With his lack of training for any sort of confrontation he fired wildly, and killed two people. Wounded others. Then he calmly walked to his car, and went home. The cops, friendly to militias, drove right past him. He still had his just fired semi-automatic rifle slung. ...they passed him without a word.

Now he's a totem for both sides of the culture wars. Maga world has him as a hero against the dark skinned hoards. The rest of us see him as a deluded murderer. He has to live the rest of his life with two murders, and violent assaults on his soul.

Whereas all he wanted to do was play at soldier with live ammo against living people of a different color. Such are our times. 

This will play itself out for the rest of the season till something else happens...which it will. 2020 is like that. 

After this has passed the dead will remain dead. Assuming he's not pardoned by #45. He might sit in prison with all that implies for a 17 year old for years possibly the rest of his life. 

I wonder. What will he think of that night five ten twenty years from now. What will the families of the murdered think of their loss in those days to come. This can't be undone. Only understood, and learned from.

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