Friday, July 24, 2020

Senator Mitt Romney sez that #45 will win despite the polls. I think he's right. Like last time polls don't matter. Also true kids do-not-vote. These are busy being kids. The youth in the streets are not the mass of youth who are uninterested. Minorities do vote.
However because of steady work by republicans over decades that vote is effectively suppressed,...most of the time. Yeah, and he's an incumbent that's a big deal even for him. Like last time he'll lose the popular a few more millions, but he'll still win. Then he'll set about a rage of vengeance against the 50% that refused to support him.
Most of this country...not all, but most will just go along. Things being what they are life will just go on. This because that's who we are. What will he do? Perhaps build Confederate memorials like he said he would. Overturn the 1964 Civil Rights Act also because as he said racism is over. He'll ignore the millions of evicted jobless from our collapsed economy.
Demonstrators will be shot in the streets, and or given life sentences,...Barr will see to this. We'll leave NATO more trade wars. COVID will kill near two Millions Americans. In the next four years he'll do all the really insane weird cruel, and dangerous things he could not do the first time.
Oh,...and California parts of Washington state, and Oregon, and perhaps the Northeast will attempt to leave the Union. California will get out for sure. New York,...we're too chaotic to manage that.


  1. Mind near exhaustion still makes its final futile movement towards that "way out or round or through the impasse".

    That is the utmost now that mind can do. And this, its last expiring thrust, is to demonstrate that the door closes upon us for evermore.

    There is no way out, or round or through.

    -H. G. Wells, "Mind at the End of Its Tether"

  2. America is awash with great minds like that of Mitt. We Are Smart. This is why we lead the world in covid 19. No other nation can equal us.

    Storm Troopers versus the Red Guard: it's so exciting! What times we are living in.


  3. P.S. - California probably has the resources to operate as a nation; but if that happens it will be a very poorly managed one, with third world levels of inequality, poverty and corruption. In fact we're already there.


  4. "...Storm Troopers versus the Red Guard."

    Not the revolution I was hoping for.
    Above ol' Mit up there. It's amazing as I've mentioned. That the folks we thought were blood enemies are not. We were pampered within a construct of a functioning politic.

    "Functioning" in the murderous unjust ways of this republic.
    Now even "let the homeless stave", and "put the darkies back in chains" republicans look good.

    This because both sides vaguely liberal, and demented conservative have in common the respect for the rule of law,...for some. The separations more or less of powers, and an actual respect for, and for some even love for the Constitution...such as it is.

    Instead now we're in the depths of a Personality cult authoritarian hegemony. So the ACLU, and the National Review are now on the same side. Mr. Buckley Sr. looking on from the Country Club in the sky throws his martini to the ground, and sez "...Hot damn that's weird shit!"

    Hell I find I'm sitting next to Anne Colter at the barricades.

    Not unlike when the French Communist Party in WW2 was allied to the far extreme rightwing Young Catholics League against the Nazis during the resistance.
    On the other hand that was one group of authoritarians being pals with another,...still ya sees the point.

    This is the stuff of alternate history novels.

    Mind you the evil fucker will likely win for all the reasons Mit gives in his it. Still it's a hell of a show ya gotta admit.

    If you haven't already stocked up on bottled water shit wipes beans, and cheap wine...ya gonna need them. Them shotgun shells, and a shot gun to go with them is an even better idea that it was just a week ago.

    Stay Tuned.


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