Monday, July 20, 2020

July 1969. A time of Hope, and Imagination.
Woodstock, and we landed a couple of folks on the moon.
We went to the Moon not once, but many times.
Soon we'll go back.

We did a robotic survey of the whole bleeping Solar system,
and sent four probes beyond to the Stars.
...not bad that for just 51 years.


  1. I'm happy with just Woodstock; end of story. As far as the rest goes, we keep running around the universe and can't get Mother Earth straight! Life keeps getting more miserable on every count everywhere.

  2. Yeah I get it. Watching them throw tons of cash at science while they cut food stamps fills me with the usual contradictions.
    I look at it this way.
    Science is needed...the vaccine?

    Space exploration is here to stay like traveling the seas. It's not going to stop. Also I think it's cool. I was eating Jim Crow shit as a young kid while they landed on the Moon. I saw the voyage as a higher aspiration...that we had dreams, and could make them real. Like making Jim Crow technically against the law.

    It only took 112 years...the anti-lynching law only took 146.
    Going to the moon, and planets took a bit longer, but was a beautiful dream as well.

    Mind you being a solid science fiction fan I know all the space shit is now just about money...Like we knew it would be. Read 'ALL" science fiction since the 1880's to this afternoon. It's all there,...corporations wars exploitations on the moon, and planets.

    I still love the original dream though.

    like you sez fixing the fucked up planet first,...not a fucking chance. Shit will go one more or less like it is...war genocides poverty...just not as extreme. The big shit world wars hyper genocides profound planetary poverty are bad for business.

    Basically 'no customers'...that, and loads of rather inconvenient insurgencies. Easier to buy them all off with a few dabs of social democracy here, and there.

    Anyway I'm glad we went, and that other nations, and now corporations are going...even if we never do again...we may not.

    Look on the bright side...this pandemic keep mutating. it's become more airborne. Give it another year. It might cut us back to a billion or less. Then shit will finally change. just like after the black death.

    That bug killed Feudalism.

    This one if big enough will kill me, and you...but also preditory capitalism. Then the fixing the planet stuff can happen. Nature has it's ways.

    darwin wins,...Darwin always wins.


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