Sunday, June 28, 2020

I sleep very odd hours now,...even for me.
I just got up. 7:01pm. This happening to you? I mean these days. Haven't done this since my 20's after a weekend of, well...activities. Btw the sky is opening up right now. Thunder from hades flash lighting...big rain is about to drop.
Meanwhile in Florida.
The sky turned to blood, and stars fell from the skies.

Elders driving by in golf carts, not as cool as the one above, was yelling "White Power!" This in a retirement gulag. They was raging at other old folks protesting racism.
It was in a tweet our head of state tossed up this morning. #45 then saying how happy it all makes him. Also how Sleepy Joe is going to fall in the Fall.
Mind you the whole video is ugly as hell with both sides of retired folks cussing the bleeping hell out of each other.
Wow they was having at it!
The passions of these times have swept everyone up.
I'm trying to imagine my Grandma going at it like that.
My dear Uncle Louie for sure in 'triple' doses. 
He'd have gave them Kluxers a run for their money,...loved that guy.


  1. Yeah, I saw that video and I didn't like it. But I gotta tell ya, at this point in time I think it's the Left that have really lost their shit. The Right aren't going around tearing down statues of Lincoln and vandalizing assorted monuments. The "anti-racists" even pulled down a statue of a famous abolitionist. WTF?

    Maybe the Rightists are saving it for later, but I hope they keep their guns in their dockers and that everyone calms down. This inflammation of nasty passions isn't exactly what the doctor ordered for a plague year.


  2. I don't see too many good guys out there these days.

    The right runs around with serious hardware itching to commit genocide, and the left has lost it's fucking mind...yeah guys a great way to heal things.
    Yeah that's bring'em to the peace table.

    Me I'm digging a fucking big hole in the back yard. I'm going in, and zippering it up. ...tho' I may order burgers from time to time.


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