Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Pandemic has forced us to decide which is more important. The economy or lives. Our owners have clearly made a decision. At least 30% of us are okay with that. Till they or loved one's get sick.

America is an idea.
A shared dream. One based on the Constitution.
Something most have never read, the Bible. Yet have rather profoundly strong opinions about.

As a public service here's our Constitution,...all seven words.
"Life Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".

These particular words almost didn't make it. They were saved from the cutting room floor by Jefferson. A slave holder who valued such things.
Dramatically contradictory, that's us in a nutshell. We're an imperfect, but evolving republic.

If you catch an American at the right moment. When they're not burning crosses or making excuses for Fidel.  We're a pretty decent folk. We'd rather that children were safe, and fed,...elders the sick, and even sometimes the poor as well.

On the current "Money or your Life" issue.
I'm going out on a limb, and saying most folks aren't down with the idea. Most,...except for a certain 30%. Most will say "Life. Let people live. They're more valuable than anyone's dividends."

So that's who we are.

Gawd Bless America,...mostly

Above is ol' slave holding George. 
Those profound contradictions again. There he is as I saw him the other week. This in the Virus ridden Emerald City. 
Old cousin George still leading us. Through wars famines, and plagues. Someone should put a surgical mask on him.

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