Wednesday, March 25, 2020

I'm just sitting here watching it unravel. As expected. Human constructs are profoundly fragile. Our belief systems, and our skyscrapers. They all come down.

Bernie's mob are acting exactly like #45's. 

Same blind worship. Now they want the old guy to run as a 3rd party spoiler to make sure Biden doesn't win. They some of them are literally saying this. That this will re-install #45 is not an issue for them.


Fuck them all to hell the red caps, and the millennial Bernieites. 
They're the same. Both I'm finding think this Pandemic either does not exist or is just a cold. I have progressive friends that are buying the same conspiracy crap as the far right.

The Virus don't care.

That bastard will kill your ass no matter what you think. On the up side this will remove many morons from the gene pool. This is a very good thing. Such people cause nothing, but misery in the world. On the other hand it may kill my ass too. Collateral damage I guess.

I think this thing if it packs the punch of that 1918 Flu event will finally end the fucking 20th century. 

This by eradicating the left over leadership of that vile era along with their most loyal Brown Shirts.
That, and a whole population of conspiracy idiots religious fanatic's, and assorted political jerks.
These who all think it's just a cold or doesn't exist.

It seems the worse this get's. the more deniers dig in their heels. They can't face or deal with it. So it's the deep state the one percent the Jews the Chinese. Anything, but what it is. 

This is like the last scene on the Titanic. 
Utter disbelief,...followed by panic, and the trampling of babies to get on a life boat. That life boat part is coming. 
This when the it's the Jews  mob realizes this is real, and can kill their worthless evil lives.

his is ugly as shit.

But then nature is like that. She up-ends our crap. Bring downs whole species, and even moves fucking continents around. Serious shit that. So try not to get on her bad side.

Stay tuned.


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