Saturday, March 21, 2020


Right now with the exceptions of China, and South Korea.
The Pandemic is being handled between two efforts.
"Do Nothing",...which most have done since January.
Which is to let it burn through the population.
This to get "Herd Immunity"
That, and Mitigation.
Mild efforts as not to disrupt the supply chain.

Here's the naked numbers for these two approches.
We get Spanish Flu results.
Between 50 to 80+ millions of deaths.

Possible 10+ millions in this country.

These are the KIA's of a limited Nuke War.

These are the numbers.
If we keep doing or not doing what we're doing.

It does not have to be like this.

I'm watching Spanish doctors in tears. 
They saying they have to take older people off their equipment.
This to save the younger.

They give the elders sedatives.
This so they might die with a shred of dignity comfortably.

Here's the deal.
It doesn't not matter if you or anyone does not believe this.
It's happening anyway.
In the same way Science is real.
No matter if Evangelicals believe it or not.

What is the common mob doing?

The young continue to party.
Nazis dream of weaponizing it kill the inferior peoples.
Our current head of state is using it to get re-elected.
 The rest revel in conspiracies fake cures, and assorted dementia.

Me I'm in my digs watching it happen.

No one in the 'Hoods are staying in or social distancing.
Just from my window it's a normal Spring day.
Folks kids even elders just wandering around. 
Cars driving all over the place. 
They still don't wear masks, and still go out for trivial reasons.

In Manhattan where the rich live.
The authorities are taking measures to inform, and protect them.
Across the bridges,...nothing.

 Some here in overheard conversations
 don't even believe this is real.
This is my subjective experience.
I so hope others are seeing different.

I imagine it's the same in trailer park USA.

Good luck my dear comrades.
Please try not to do anything stupid.

Stay tuned.

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