Wednesday, February 26, 2020

"Even More Good News"

Hate Map. 
Areas in red that are "Queer Free" in Poland

Nearly 100 Polish municipal or local governments have now proclaimed themselves to be “free from LGBTI ideology”. Local authorities in these areas pledge to refrain from acts that encourage tolerance and must avoid providing financial assistance to NGOs working to promote equal rights.
Equality parades in Poland are routinely attacked by far-right activists who violently oppose Pride-goers with homophobic chants and explosive projectiles.

"Queer Free" stickers that are distributed by the Polish ruling party.
From Pink News.

This has happened before, and in the same places.


There is defeat
to overcome
and acceptance of living
to be established
and always
there must be hope.

From the East End Temple's Service of Healing.


  1. I wake up, and the first thing I see is this.

    No more evidence is needed.

  2. Clearly Poland is a pretty fucked up place. I imagine the influence of right-wing Catholicism has something to do with it.

    Also, I suspect it doesn't help that globalist wokesters have spent the past few years shrieking that anyone who doesn't love the EU is a fascist homophobic islamophobic misogynistic racist and a Nazi. Instrumentalizing the traditional causes of the Left and weaponizing them and using them to belabor their political adversaries as with a cudgel isn't doing those causes any good, I fancy. It alienates people who might otherwise listen and pushes them the other way.

    But still, I've heard from years ago that Poland is fucked up anyway, so it probably would be so in any case.

  3. They murdered Jews who survived the camps, and tried to return to their homes. ...that sums it up.

    I lay most of this at the door ancient European Jew Hate, and the Catholic Church.

    Still it dovetails with the Eastern European, and Russian Queer Hate which is as deep rooted as Race Hate in the States.

  4. At least one American evangelical that I know of has also been involved. A few months ago I watched the vid for a "Polish pride" parade, and among the attractions on the parade route was a huge jumbotron featuring the image and voice of just such an American preacher - an vicious-looking old white guy - spewing nasty vituperative anti-gay rhetoric. Apparently this kind of thing is pretty popular there. I gather similar evangelizing from the USA has played a role in the call for the death penalty for gays in Uganda. Such people love to spread their poison all over the globe.

  5. Such folks can't get death sentences or lynch mobs for the enemies of da lawd here so they go to richer field for such in other nations.
    All part of da plan.

    They sleep nightly smiling at their own good works.

    Unfortunately there are no g-ds vengeful or otherwise. So this evil demented person, and those like him will die happy in their beds. Their victims however will rot in ditches around the world.

    If I were a lad of a certain kind I'd bring silent justice to their bed chambers.


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