Friday, December 27, 2019


Weep my Children Weep.
The Dreaded "Kosbohackum"
The Spirit of Christmas Despair is upon us.

Kosbohackum is visiting 50,000,000+ Poor Americans.
Despair, and be without Hope.
Have you seen him yet?

Be calm be patient for he is coming.


  1. Wow where did this one come from?

    This is pretty grim even for me.

  2. We almost got our power cut off today. We had to go immediately to the relevant office where with all our suasion we obtained a respite - a great boon, but one granting less time than actually needed. There were a number of people there who seemed to be in a similar situation.

    Remember that my current lung disease dates from last year when the criminal organization known as PG&E cut off our gas and hot water right through the depth of Winter. These are interesting times when seemingly respectable, formerly middle class people can suddenly find themselves living in health-hazardous not to say life-threatening third world conditions.

    It takes but a very little local exploration to discover that one of the most popular styles of up-to-date American retirement village is constructed of tents, tarps and shopping carts. Did I mention that these are interesting times?

  3. P.S. - Maybe you were in some subtle telepathic contact with me. According to biologist Rupert Sheldrake, who has conducted studies on the matter, it's real. Anyway, I was having the trying experience described above about the time you posted this.

  4. It's that group mind under duress thing.

    It happened to the Jews of Europe during the Holocaust later in the Balkans in the 90's.
    Now evidence...tho' late of it happening in Cambodia during Pol Pot's Year Zero exterminations.

    I imagine it's been going on in Africa forever.

    Now once more in America,...that last time it was the Depression the time before the era of Slavery for Blacks.
    Now it's for the former Baby Boomers who lived in security for most of their lives. Now as a group they've fallen into stressful economics or outright poverty.

    If #45 is re-elected Hispanics will be next. They will share a vast perception a group consciousness of threat, and danger.

    Animals have it out in the open it's no question for them.
    They sense a threat they run like hell.

    Unfortunately given how we've constructed our societies running in not always an option for humans.

    We tend to just file into the Cattle Cars.


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