Saturday, December 28, 2019

"...a silly fantasy"

"Here's another Time Portal Story of a kind."
If I was host of a black, and white 50's TV program.
In an alternate history if I was born 30 years earlier.
If so This would be my 1956 outro script.

Outro theme, w/ recorded effects.
Canned applause, Uncle Sydney's live outro...
"Good night folks, and thanks for coming by."
"Remember next week our special guests will be Elenore Roosevelt, and "Chee Chee" the amazing singing dog!"
"Goodnight drive carefully, and please give to the Charity of your choice."
Switch to live audience applause/canned effects.
"So long G-d bless, and see you here next week."
Applause slowly fades...Que announcer.
Network Announcer,...booth six,
"Uncle Sydney's True Life Adventures" was brought to you by "Dr. Pepper" the makers of fine cleaning products. Tonight's alternate sponsor "Flame Guard" protect your home protect your children with special formula Asbestos "Flame Guard!"
"The Uncle Sydney Dancers appeared courtesy of Sydneyco Enterprises Ltd."
"The Uncle Sydney Negro Puppet theater is a co-production of the DuMont Television Network, and the Imperial Japanese Greater Pacific Co-Prosperity Sphere Media Combine."
Outro theme applause bed fades out.
"Please stay tuned to most of these DuMont stations for "Amos, and Andy 2020".
Que "A&A" slide..., and announcer.
"Laughs aplenty as Lightning invents a time machine, and the King Fish who thinks it's a toaster accidentally goes to the year 2020. This will be coming up after these brief commercial announcements."
Local Announcer,...booth one,
"You're tuned to WNBT, Channel 6, Edison New Jersey."
"The time is exactly 8:29 pm est."
Play local PSA...
Que Ajax, DDT, and 1956 Nash Rambler commercials.
Que network feed for Amos, and Andy...

In an Alternate History America. One without segregation. Also if I were born a few decades earlier. I think I'd have been a writer for those 50's sitcoms, and variety shows.


  1. I am in favor of constructing alternate histories, for it seems to me not difficult to improve upon the one we know.

  2. The last 120 years are so fucked up even the slightest change would be for the better. It would still be insanely fucked up. But a change here or there might give us one or two fewer genocides.

    That, and comics books might still be 10 cents.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...