Friday, August 30, 2019

"It's Absolutely Imperial"

I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

Like an idiot I was out in the Noon day Sun like an Englishman.

I didn't even have to be there,...I just was.

Ya know running around the Post Office library the market.

Basically shit I could have done after the heatwave, 
but like a jerk I went out, and risked my life.

Actually this was on purpose,...not risking my life.

Rather trying not to be so much of a shut-in.

So I go out a lot.

In the Sun

Like an Englishman in Rangoon in 1928.

Oh to lounge on the veranda of the Club with a Gin, and tonic.

Listening to the BBC overseas service.

The HMS Rodney gleaming in the bay, and chatting up my fellow expats to the colonies.

All this of course in an alternate history British Empire that was peaceful, and inclusive.


  1. I'd out suggest going out in the evening, but maybe that's not so safe these days. And I hate getting up early, so I certainly won't propose it.

    Screw reality. I'll go for the alternate history. Maybe we can get a ticket to Rangoon on the Graf Zeppelin.

  2. Hold on I'll call the slide-way service of Trans-Alternate History Zeppelin Lines. I'll book passage for two with two other standby jumps seats for possible acolytes.

  3. This is a kind of comfort zone for me.
    Dreaming that I could visit even live in slightly different histories. I'm sure these would be fucked up in their own weird ways.

    For example my peaceful diverse Brit Empire might not allow Diet Pepsi or ball point pens. However the worlds I imagine would still be rather less murderous stupid or expensive as what we have.

    I don't want much.

    Just stop the cruelty willful stupidity mass murders the destruction of the biosphere. That, and cut back on stupid movies bad tv, and have less predatory capitalism.
    Get rid of these everything else will pretty much mend themselves.

    Not much to ask.


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