Wednesday, August 28, 2019


I often say this prayer. I have a home I did eat today I keep myself, and home clean. There are many people that want me to stay alive. I dream of kinder worlds. I try to know my mistakes. 
My health is mostly okay. 
Though I love to complain. I'm at the moment drinking clean ice water. I'm fine. Billions are not. 
We need to remember, and do things about that.


  1. Definitely the most important things. Those who have never lacked them tend to take them for granted. I had to do without #8 for quite a long time last year, along with a lack of hot running water. It was awful. Also, I'd add heating and cooling for your house, where necessary. Had to do without that too. It puts your life at risk.

  2. I remember years ago I was in a place for a year without hot water or any kind of climate control no heat no AC.

    I don't think this is that rare as we both on opposite ends of this country endured this for a long period.

    Americans are poorer than we think.

    Many a month without a paycheck from Homelessness. A week from no food. So many on the edge. Officially reported that the average American family could not pay a sudden $400. dollar expense. This with two jobs in the family.

    I've been there many times.

    I came home from that partial foot amputation to my phone ringing. It was the electric company saying they were cutting my power at noon the next day. This if they don't get $300 bucks.

    I had to literally hobble to the bank. Then the long trip to the Electrics business office to pay them off in cash. Btw all the stitches broke, and I was trailing blood.

    It was a Hallmark after school tear jerker.
    70 year old loser bleeding his way down to pay off the evil eclectic company. I'd reject the damned script as over the top.

    However this shit is routine for perhaps 40+ millions of Americans...a further 5 million in 3rd world poverty. The latter don't have bank accounts or steady addresses to have their electric cut off in also eating is intermittent as well.

    Even with all that Billions have it worse.

    I recall so well the awful BBC news photo of that starving kid drinking from a muddy pothole. Well fed soldiers stomping by to murder the next village over.

    Such is the world of Billions.

    In the land of the not so free I have my home it's clean tidy, and cute. I have a connection here to the whole world clean water hot water clean things to wear a bed to sleep in.

    It's just sometimes I go hungry here.

    I think this is called one of those societal internal contradictions.
    I remember as a child other kids making jokes about old folks eating cat food. What goes around comes around.

  3. "We have passed beyond the Absurd: our position is absolutely preposterous." -Ronald Tavel


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