Saturday, July 20, 2019

"Good News",...and a nightmare

Greetings comrades I bring good news! Yes the rumors are true. It's going to be 106 to 112f for the next three days! Actually only about 100 to 102f. The rest is the effect on your body when adding in the humidity. In other words the weather is now fatal.

The Darwin Award solution will take effect for assorted health nuts that will insist on jogging, and exercising in direct sunlight for the next few days. The down side little kids, and me could drop dead if we ain't careful.

Anyone in da States reading this anywhere east of the Mississippi take heed. A third of the country is in the red zone. As the climate continues to go nuts expect years of this to come. 

The upside here is unlike the West Coast Canada, and Alaska we don't have dense forests to dry out, and burn up. We fucking cut them all down for bullshit over the last 200 years.

Meanwhile I stay in my Thermal Shelter watching old DVDs of movies, and TV shows...and having nightmares. I had a Concentration Camp dream. It had all the usual suspects. Jews Fags Niggahs. No Hispanics,...maybe tonight's dream.

We were in long lines slowly shuffling into the place. We each had a clear plastic box with our papers, and various personal items in. These were closely examined by bored administrators. 

I heard screams.

Horrifying screams.  As some nightmares do it kept going. I'd wake up it stops,...I fall back to sleep it picked up where it left off. 
Such was my night.

No this was not an Internment Camp. 

Those of the kind now socially acceptable. Amazing how fast that happened. One day such a thing is a horror. A few news cycles later it's fine,...just like summer camp.

Ya notice how #45's fans make the big deal that they approve of putting "Brown" kids in "Internment" camps.
They always make the point when asked on the news that these are not the kind with the gas, and the ovens. So they think this makes it okay. 

There will be an accounting of this era one day. 

No nightmare lasts forever. Mine ended. We will awake from this see what was done, who, and why. Also who supported it with cheers, and who just looked the other way eating pizza, and playing computer games.

Damn this country to Hell.

Because unlike so many others it 'knows' better.


  1. “The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good.” -Harold Pinter, Nobel Acceptance Speech

  2. Wiser, and truer words never spoken at an international gathering.

  3. That's bloody awful. Couple years ago the local temp here got up to 108f. Me and mine were out in it, too. Stay cool! And hydrated.

    I've been watching many locations on my global weather widget for a few years. Heat waves are especially persistent in Seville - mid-90s to over 100f for weeks on end. Not for me!

  4. In a way we're blessed. We are actually,...some of us, witness to an actual climate change. I remember when it was still post glacial normal. This when I was little during the 1950's till about the mid-1960's.

    It was about 1965 one noticed things weren't right.

    The snow was wet. It still came, but it changed to rain or just came as slush. This continued till the snow hardly came at all. Snowless even frostless winters were no longer unusual. Hotter summers became noticeable in the early 1980's.

    By the 1990's it was clear unmistakable that shit was up. The weather had changed for sure.

    Now the whole world with the exception of the American far right sees, and understands what's happening.

    The partial US refusal to accept is due to our decades long Culture Wars. Which has now mutated on the right to reject science logic, and Western rationality for religious, and ideological reasons.

    The climate however does not care.

    It will continue to change, and in the long term adjust to a new warmer wetter "normal". Millions will perish as the ocean rises deserts expand crops fail forests burn down, and war continue to erupt as populations flee to safer regions,...which do not want them.

    Hence our Mexican Border Wall, and general attacks on immigrants.

    In the 1960's these haters used to attack, and murder Negros. Now if you don't speak English you get the same. All due to the Great Climate Changes.


"...Fire Sale!"

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