Wednesday, June 26, 2019

"Hot Shit"

The first NYC Heat Wave has air burst upon us.
It's 93f at my kitchen window.
This after a very humid night. The wave will last the weekend.
Then a break only to start again.

Note if you're in the region try not to die.
Always take water with you.
That, and don't do stupid shit in direct sunlight.
Like laying asphalt or jogging.

I witnessed both just now.

Think of urban heatwaves as Blizzards in reverse.
Take rational precautions.
Yeah you kidding, air conditioner is on full blast.
Damn the cost. I'll deal with it later!


  1. Stay cool! If the AC goes out, I find a cool bath left in the tub all day for frequent refreshers is a reasonable backup.

    I hate heat waves. Of course I hate the cold even worse, because I had to endure last winter without heat, thanks to the crookedness of the criminal organization that controls utilities around here. Without antibiotics, the influenza might well have killed me.

  2. Aw Hell!!!

    Please be careful, and take care of yourself. As for the forces out to freeze you to death. ..and or steam or fry you.
    Peoples Justice will be their fate!!!



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