Sunday, April 28, 2019


As you may notice I'm regressing.
It might be my inner clock knows it's running out.
Whatever I'm actively dreaming remembering the very early parts of my life. Much was fucked up. Whose ain't?

However there were moments sprinkled through those years that were sweet. I actually had moments of being happy, and safe.
If you have kids or have contacts with any. Give them good memories. These will be a comfort in them years to come.

Golden Records.

Well they came a several colors, but Boomers mostly remember the Gold/or Yellow ones. I sure do. I remember playing 
"The March of the Wooden Soldiers"
Till my Ma took it away,...pissed her off.
Now I get it. She was looking after us all in less than gleeful circumstances, and that damned record was driving her crazy.

At the time it freaked me out,'s only a record.
Now I know, and forgive her.
Life is complex.

Anyhow these came back to mind.
Being an engineer in the making I screwed open my Mickey Mouse record player to see how it worked.
I put it back together before anyone saw.

It was wild in there.
19th/20th century hybrid tech.
This was 1956 remember.
The 19th century was as close to us then 
as the 1960s are to us today. 

My life, and times such as they were.

Yours too.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...