Monday, April 22, 2019

"Posted Two Years ago,...Still True"


Though it's the middle of January I'm thinking of "Gaie" Pride Day. The fact that it's been 50f all winter to this day likely puts me in a summer frame of mind

Anyway June is Queer Pride Month,...for some. Mostly for the "We're just like You" assimilated "Straight~Gay" stroller pushers.  I think now in the scary age of Trump they'll find where they really stand.

'But to my point.

I'd like to re-claim Fag Day for 'ALL' Queers Sissies Sexual Outlaws, and assorted  gleeful Weirdos.
You know the Perverts that were the ones actually engaged in the Revolutionary Revolt, and Riot at the Stonewall?
This is for them Bless their Swishy Boy Loving Finger Nail Painted Gown wearing Outlaw Hearts!


  1. This from my attacked, and destroyed last Queer blog.

    I saved a few bits here, and there.

  2. They destroyed our culture and then created a false history based on their own illusions.

    "We use media to destroy cultures, but we first use media
    to create a false record of what we are about to destroy."
    Edmund S. Carpenter 1972

  3. That's exactly what they did, and are doing. Whole histories of various peoples movements events are either gone or morphed into something they never were.

    Young people who were never there haven't a clue.

    For example the "fact" that it was the republican party that was the friend of Negros, and supported Civil rights. This false history has been around for near a decade, and is now believed by a portion of a generation.

    Whereas they were the friend of Kluxers as they are now, and our blood enemies.

    In Queer matters.

    The false history that it was always a moderate assimilationist movement. Whereas it was from it's start in the west 130 years ago revolutionary.

    It was always part of revolutionary theory, and practice first in Europe in the late 19th century then here.

    Once Dykes, and Fags weren't separate groups.

    We were in it together.
    Boylove wasn't always thought by definition criminal.

    It was by many accepted or at least part of the discussion of who were are as Queer.

    All that is gone.

    That subject actually literally deleted from the records of gay organizations, and publications. I was at an editorial meeting of Boston's Gay Academic News in the 1980's when it was decided to expunge all positive references.

    Marriage, and the "right" to be drafted into the army into wars.

    These rights urged by reactionary homophiles was fought for, and gained.
    Get in your time machine, and preach that anywhere in the Queer world in 1970, and they'd throw shit at you.

    All that madness is just that,...Madness.

    I know because I was a kid, and was there. When my generation leaves the memory of the truth dies with us.

  4. It might not be a bad idea to gather together such missives as this as you may still possess and make a pamphlet of them, illustrated by your drawings and by photos like the one posted here. We've seen how easily the plug is pulled on any web presence, so it wouldn't hurt to get this into some tangible form.

    One thing's for sure: there will be queers in the future. Some of them might be very glad to know their true history. A trail of bread crumbs leading to such treasure, however faint, may be more interesting to them than all the boring uninspiring revisionist propaganda in the world.

    Out of a few dozen, scores, or maybe a couple of hundred copies, only *one* needs to survive in order to have such effect.

  5. So true,..."One" copy of Ralph Chubb's hand printed, and colored 1936 folders of Queer Mystical Dreams fell into my hands in 1970 when I was 20. It changed everything.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...