Tuesday, April 30, 2019

"Nothing Makes Sense"

"Nothing,....nothing makes sense"
See new CEO of Amazon above.
I understand an empty can of Pepsi was elected Senator 
in a special election in West Virginia.

Newly reveled notes by the late Carl Sagan
sez he believed the Moon
was made of Green Cheese.
With candy sprinkles.


  1. We're living in the Terry Gilliam film "Brazil".
    Only it's more venal evil, and cruel than that.

    Also unlike that classic there are no funny bits,...none.

  2. "So when I watched pictures of flames licking hungrily from the roof of Notre Dame I felt more pleasure than sadness, and I make no apology for that. Let it, and all the others like it burn – unless they be permanently closed down, their priests made redundant, and the space used instead for useful, purely secular, community centres, quiet places where anarchists and communists, for example, could meet up and teach to others the myth of religion, and teach reason instead to the poor and oppressed, that no supernatural being has ordained their suffering, and will certainly not be coming to relieve them of it. They are on their own, and the sooner they realise that the sooner they might decide to combine to do something about it."


  3. This was done in many revolutions.

    Cathedrals churches burned to the ground. Priests bishops disbursed or violently dealt with. However the masses being what they are clung to their myths. They rather enjoyed burning people alive.

    So in time after the inevitable fall of these revolutions due to their massive contradictions, and incompetence,...at least in the 20th century. The faithful still clung to the idea of folks rising from the dead, and flying through the air.

    In the revolutionary aftermath they rebuilt the lot.

    In Russia their restored Church rivals their mafia in power.

    Russia, and Eastern Europe are crammed with restored or rebuilt from the ground Cathedrals...from the original plans they hid.

    Mind you as for them miracles millions do them regularly now.

    I returned from the fucking dead three times after overdoses. Twice in a hospital the last time by myself on my kitchen floor.

    Praise Jebus it's a Miracle!!

    Eh,...while I was there,...there was no there there.
    Not even darkness.

    You just fucking die.

    You are not punished for your normal human fuck ups nor rewarded for your kindness,...youre just dead.

    As to their other favorite miracle. Which I've done several times like dying. Not bad for a Queer BL.

    Flying,...I've flown through the air. I suggest Jet Blue. Sure they tend to crash into swamps regularly, but they're cheap tickets.

    These wonders of secular science are ignored as miracles by the sweaty masses. This as they prefer their wonders done by non-existent Iron Age gurus.

    All that said. I still mourn Notre Dame.

    It would have made a perfect Temple to the Holy Boy.

    ...at least till our revolution fails too.

    It will they all will. Regular folks don't want them. They want to win the Lotto so they can be rich. Then laugh at the poor, and persecute all the usual suspects.

    They don't want to be liberated from masters.

    They want to 'be' masters.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" (sidneyinhell.blogspot.com) This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...