Friday, February 15, 2019

"Terror in the Streets"

The President of the United States of America
Declares a National Emergency!
He, and 29% of America
fear the Imminate Invasion of
...wait for it.


Vast hoards of Dark People...with their Children!
Invade, and Rampage!

Lock your windows, and bring in the cat!


This vile evil shit puts my stupid health,
and mortality into perspective.
There's seriously bigger shit all around us.

This is not remotely the 21st century they said we'd get.


  1. "This is not remotely the 21st century they said we'd get."

    Ain't it the truth!

    It turns out progress was a sham.



"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...