Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Aw crap,...I think my guts just fell out through my ass,...again.
This whole thing is pissing me off. Everybody I know is fed up with my shit too. ...me most of all. 

I want this to either go North or just bleeping stop. The recent details I leave to your horrified imaginations,...yeah pretty bleeped up. So more meds which make me wanna puke up the Great Lakes.

On the up side I did get that sugar free ice cream on my trip to Target...should have got the gallon tub. Surgical tape gauze assorted goo liquids, and pills. They were out of gastro-intestinal systems or new feet legs or toes. Though I did get some sliced turkey which tasted better.

Fortunately I'm still somewhat alive so come back tomorrow.


  1. Sidney my first thought reading your post was,"is he talking about having a prolapsed rectum?" God forbid!

    In an essay by a dutch author which I once read, he refered to diareah as "tiger shit" because it feels like a tiger is ripping your anus out. It seems an apt figure.

    I hope the tiger stays well clear of your entire digestive tract.


  2. Actually been there many times. However no my butt-hole is swell. Just the hyper-meds for my diabetes is fucking me up.

    There must be poetry about hosing out of both sides at once uncontrollably...yeah did that. Check the action off the list. That along with having lunch on the ledge of the Empire State Building outside of the transmitter office.

    Yeah I kicked, and dangled my toes...back when I had 10 of them over eternity.

    We've all had interesting lives.


"...Fire Sale!"

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