Thursday, December 27, 2018

"Ya Fucking Dummies"

This is my standard retort to any, and all posts I find that are trying to divide progressives. Sow rage, and discourse internally among what passes for liberal progressives in this bleeped up wreck of a republic.
This shit worked like a charm last time.
People are falling for it again.
When seeing a post that Divides Dem Candidates,...Caution:
Again I say caution.
Where did this divisive post originally come from?
What is it's point. Last time the Russians, and others stoked Hillary Hate to divide progressives.
Years later those false posts still have partisans for or against Bernie or Hillary 'still' full of artificially induced rage.
It was profoundly effective.
I've lost we've lost friends over it.
Remember we have a Common Goal.
The web is a battle field, and there are land mines everywhere.
If you find something that appeals too perfectly to your suspicions, and resentments,'s designed to do just that,... and for negative effect.
Think things through we can't afford knee jerk emotional reactions this time. Remember I say again!...we have a common goal. A restoration of actual sanity to our national government.


  1. Yeah I know elections are a sham.
    Three Card Monty played 24/7 with lives agony, and despair.

    However this time it's bad for even a rigged game.

    We'd normally have a dreary blank lying murderer. However now we're stuck with an openly insane razor sharp red fucking hot brick slowly pushing it's way out of all of our butts.

    Me I would prefer something less slicing, and flesh roasting coming out of my shredded asshole.

  2. Sidney, admit that it's over. Get used to it and welcome the end.

    "Mind near exhaustion still makes its final futile movement towards that 'way out or round or through the impasse'.
    That is the utmost now that mind can do. And this, its last expiring thrust, is to demonstrate that the door closes upon us for evermore.
    There is no way out, or round or through."

    -H. G. Wells, "Mind at the End of Its Tether", 1945

  3. Com'on I know we're all fucking toast.

    I just want to be comfortable.
    Ya know watching bombs fall far away folks chained up elsewhere, and be about to eat my fake spam, and canned spuds in peace.


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