Friday, December 28, 2018


"And it came to pass that in those dark days Angels
made Signs, and Wonders.
This so those that saw might have Hope."


  1. Yeah... Yeah... Yeah...
    It was a transformer that blew up. Big deal. Let's not make an acid trip out of it!

  2. People are already laughing off a Miracle.

    The media is. They sit there chuckling then going on to, " in sports...."

    Those that didn't actually see it have already forgotten it.
    However I'm coming across some that are thinking about this Solstice season Sign, and Wonder.

    This Great Blue Shimmer over our greatest city didn't just happen. Yes an industrial accident, but one that actually set fire to the air above the city. Think of that. The very atmosphere ignited.

    All of the miracles of old can easily be explained as natural events or now an electrical power accident. That's not the point.

    The point is the effect.

    These are dark times all over the world.
    Darkness is risen again in near every country. Our republic in confused hateful chaos. Cruel nationalist governments rising. Persecutions, and the deliberate poisoning of the land the seas the skies. ...then This.


    The Light of a Burning Sky. For heaven's sakes what more do we need? If you stood with us, and saw it you might not feel as you shut us the fuck up with it's,...frankly with it's majesty.

    I'm talking stone cold New Yorkers that walk past hungry children, and step over dead bodies.

    This would have made it into the scriptures of many faiths if it came long ago. I'll take my fucking ass Miracles where I can get them.

    Yeah,...youbetcha this shit got my attention, and as I'm reading a lot of others too.
    "But ya has a point.
    People are too stupid mean evil, and demented for even a sky on fucking fire to do anything for them.

    Nothing will even think about changing. Even those of us moved will put it aside in time as a false hope.
    Another lie albeit a vast bright one.

    You may now all rejoin the dreary evil shit already in progress.


"...Fire Sale!"

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