Friday, August 17, 2018


"If we can't fucking Dance!"
You can keep your


  1. “I would only believe in a god who could dance.”
    ―Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

    Nataraja (meaning "the lord of dance") is a depiction of the Hindu god Shiva as the cosmic ecstatic dancer.

    We are Holy Men Uncle Sidney! Here are a couple of quotes from the Sacred Texts:

    “The phallus is the source of pleasure. It is the only means of obtaining earthly pleasure and salvation. By looking at it, touching it and meditating on it, living beings can free themselves from the cycle of future lives.”
    -Shiva Purana, Vidyeshvara Samhita, I, chap. 9, 20

    “In order to please the Lord, his symbol must be venerated, independently of its physical function. Its function being to give birth, giving birth is excluded.”
    -Shiva Purana, Vidyeshvara Samhita, I, Chap. 16, 108

    “He who lets his life pass by without having honored the phallus is in truth a pitiable, guilty and damned being. If one were to weigh on a scale, with one side holding the adoration of the phallus and the other holding charity, youth, pilgrimages, sacrifices, and virtue, it would be the adoration of the phallus, source of pleasure and liberation, as well as a sure protection against adversity that would outweigh the other side.”
    – Shiva Purana, 1.21, 23-24, and 26

  2. BTW, you might try checking out a picture called “The Red Boy” by Thomas Lawrence. You may like it.



"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" ( This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...