Tuesday, July 31, 2018

"Wild Boys"

Saints Burroughs Ginsberg, and Bey would understand.
Patty Smith would get it too.


  1. Gone are the daze when I blogged insanely gleefully of the Dionysian traditions. When beauty freedom art, and laughing were common.

    Looking back I'm amazed I was able to write draw broadcast publish, and post of it as long as I did.

    It's now history.

    A lost era of hope with hardly an intact artifact left to tell that it ever happened.

    Perhaps a century or two,...or more from now a few items printed on rage paper or a preserved memory stick will say that once there was a time,...a time.

  2. It’ll be like digging up a Grecian urn...


  3. Hey... my laptop didn't work for a day and I come back online to see you've been on a ROLL !
    There are a lot of books people have never seen and I even wonder if they are in any libraries. Your name comes up a few times here and there Sidney such as in a bibliography that mentions your work in a book edited by Don Mader.
    There is also a fantastic bibliography in a couple of books written by Edward Brongersma. It never fails to amaze me what has been written on "the subject". And the art... OMG! Centuries of art! Nay... mīllennia!

  4. "Been around yes. Though one has to look.

    Brongasma committed suicide when his country began assaults on him personally. They then destroyed his foundation ending with burning the largest library on Queer works since the Nazis burned the Hirschfield Institute in the 1930's.

    Don was forced into exile.

    Others like Walter Breen author of "Greek Love" researcher publisher went to prison where he was brutally beaten that plus his cancer led to death.

    I imagine my time will come as well.

    Still we'd all do it again. ...just more of it.


"...Fire Sale!"

I am now posting on >>>>  "Book of Days" (sidneyinhell.blogspot.com) This due to tech problems with Blogsplot.  The ot...