Friday, June 15, 2018

"Old White Men Make War on Brown Children"

I wish the above images was just contrived propaganda. 
It's not. 
It's real. 
We're doing this.
We now separate children form their parents at our southern border. The border with Brown people. We tell the parents their children are going to be given a shower. They're taken away not to be seen by their parents again,...for now.


An unfortunate choice of lie. This as the word resonates historically. Especially in an ethnic cleansing sense. I like you have been living with this unrefutable knowledge for some days now. Other than static from the usual suspects. Even a very few journalists.
One at the daily White House briefing called for compassion for these people. Only to be shut down with something about "...upholding the law."

I fear I'm seeing that as a country we're generally okay with this. Separating children from parents as a specific tactic to stem immigration. The Attorney General said as much,...we're doing it on purpose. He quoted Scripture to justify his actions.

We violate the Nuremberg Judgments to which we are signators even co-authors of by doing this. Seems we listened to our "Better Angels" back then.

All this speaks to what we will now accept as normal.

As for "normal" reactions. I wonder where the hundreds of thousands or even millions of "good" people are. Why aren't these out in the streets. Out there demanding an end to this. Telling our government that this a line we must never cross.

I'll stop now. We know what's going on, and we know what we should be doing. This is the way it is, and for now this is who we are.

Angels Weep.

1 comment:

  1. “...this is who we are.”

    I’m afraid so.

    When 500,000 Iraqi children died from US sanctions back in the 90s, relatively few Americans had a problem with it. Our Secretary of State said it was a price worth paying. BTW, two thirds of Americans think torture is just fine.

    I’m afraid I don’t have much faith in us. American empathy withers, while American cruelty deepens and grows.



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